Yaroslavl the Wise in front of the Golden Gate of Kiev
Opportunity: The word speaks of potential, fulfillment, & satisfaction. The dictionary defines the word as, “a fit or convenient time; a favorable occasion or circumstance.” Opportunities appear to all of us every day as our heavenly Father gives us the choice to grow or stay stagnant, to move ahead or slide backwards.
The Great Geat of Kiev
As a music teacher by trade & a music lover by disposition, I have always thrilled to the epic sounds of Modest Moussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibiton: The Great Gate of Kiev. The majesty of the brass section at full volume conveys the regal entrance of a king into his court. I never dreamed when I first heard this piece of music that I’d be standing in Kiev in the land where Moussorgsky wrote it & faced with the most incredible opportunity of a lifetime: to go through that great gate for the furthering of the gospel! Our King Jesus will soon reign unhindered in the earth upon His return. However, Matthew 24:14 tells us that the gospel of the kingdom must first be preached to all nations, then the end will come. My heart’s desire is to speed the coming of our king as we welcome new brothers & sisters into His kingdom of love & light!
Going Through the Great Gate! Fulfilling God’s Purpose!
God has opened the way for us to be a part of His plan to see the nations of the earth reaped! He has broken down the Iron Curtain that used to stand between the West & the former Soviet Union that the light of His glorious gospel would shine brightly there. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, & for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He has broken the gates of bronze, & cut the bars of iron in two. (Psalm 107:15-16.) You & I together have on opportunity to reach & teach people with God’s Word! I’ve committed to pursue the opportunity to go through the great gate! Will you prayerfully consider going through this great gate with your support in friendship, prayer, & giving? Together, we can reach our full potential with the fulfillment & satisfaction of obedience to the leading of our Lord. Together, we can be a part of God’s plan: Pursuing His opportunities, fulfilling His purpose, loving & reaching people with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!
The Great Geat of Kiev
As a music teacher by trade & a music lover by disposition, I have always thrilled to the epic sounds of Modest Moussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibiton: The Great Gate of Kiev. The majesty of the brass section at full volume conveys the regal entrance of a king into his court. I never dreamed when I first heard this piece of music that I’d be standing in Kiev in the land where Moussorgsky wrote it & faced with the most incredible opportunity of a lifetime: to go through that great gate for the furthering of the gospel! Our King Jesus will soon reign unhindered in the earth upon His return. However, Matthew 24:14 tells us that the gospel of the kingdom must first be preached to all nations, then the end will come. My heart’s desire is to speed the coming of our king as we welcome new brothers & sisters into His kingdom of love & light!
Going Through the Great Gate! Fulfilling God’s Purpose!
God has opened the way for us to be a part of His plan to see the nations of the earth reaped! He has broken down the Iron Curtain that used to stand between the West & the former Soviet Union that the light of His glorious gospel would shine brightly there. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, & for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He has broken the gates of bronze, & cut the bars of iron in two. (Psalm 107:15-16.) You & I together have on opportunity to reach & teach people with God’s Word! I’ve committed to pursue the opportunity to go through the great gate! Will you prayerfully consider going through this great gate with your support in friendship, prayer, & giving? Together, we can reach our full potential with the fulfillment & satisfaction of obedience to the leading of our Lord. Together, we can be a part of God’s plan: Pursuing His opportunities, fulfilling His purpose, loving & reaching people with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!