The US: When I was in the US, I knew there was more in me than I was currently looking at. But I focused on what I could do. Sick co-worker? Made their family a meal in the name of Christ. Dying friend: shared the gospel with her and prayed for her healing. I took advantage of opportunities as they came my way to be a light, to be kind, to help people in my sphere.
Beyond: When I came to Ukraine, I felt I had done my part in fulfilling the words in 2 Corinthians 10:16. I left my home culture and embraced a new country, home, food, language, etc. Less than a month after I arrived, I was called upon to leave for Italy. To date, I have been to 8 different countries as well as traveled a good bit in the US for the purpose of sharing the good news with others. I recently traveled to Moldova (see picture) to pray for the people attending a women’s conference and support my supervisor. Sometimes I shared the gospel in these nations and other times I have taught others how to share their faith. Always, I was sent by the Holy Spirit to help get this gospel published to all nations.
What about you? Have you shared Jesus with anyone? I didn’t ask if you preached. Can you love a child in the name of Jesus? Maybe make a meal for someone you know who is sick or hospitalized? Visit an adult home to listen to people in their twilight years? Sharing the gospel really takes many forms. Before we go to the regions beyond we need to go to those in our world today.
I challenge you to pray and ask God to put someone in your path to share Jesus with. When they show up, be bold! Do what God asks you to do and say what He leads you to say! Reach for those closest to you, then begin looking beyond them to the world you walk into every day. Before you fly across the world to share Jesus, you have to be willing to go across the street to share Jesus.
We can do it! We must do it! Let’s reach out!