ONE LIFE! Impacting One Person at a Time….

ONE LIFE AT A TIME….. I have been in Ukraine this summer and was recently delighted when an old friend from Vinnitsa posted a picture of a book I’d given her on Facebook. 

SYLVIA…. Meet the extremely gifted and talented Sylvia! (Her picture is below!) Sylvia was my interpreter when I lived in Vinnitsa. She was in college at the time learning English and German, very fluent in English and available to help me when I needed her. 

Rhema: I work as a teacher/ administrator with Rhema Bible Training Center Ukraine, training leaders. At one time, with the help of my generous partners, I was able to purchase the book Seven Laws of the Learner for every student in class. This book is a wonderful resource for teachers to help them cause students to learn. Sylvia was not a Rhema student. But since we had a couple extra copies, I gave a copy to Sylvia. She thanked me but never said anything about it at the time. 

Fast Forward: Sylvia recently posted a picture of the book on Facebook, saying she finally had time to read “this wonderful book!” Sylvia graduated from college recently and just accepted a teaching position. While she didn’t read the book right away, the books we give to others have a life of their own. She just now started reading the book, right as she is beginning her teaching career. As she begins her vocational life as a teacher, it is exciting to realize we have had a part in inspiring her to excellence!!!

Thank God we have a part in impacting Sylvia’s life as well as all the kids she will teach!!! 


Enjoying dinner with Sylvia in Kiev

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