Celebrations! We recently held the last class of this session for basic training students at the Rhema Vinnitsa campus with music, words of love and gratitude for the students’ sacrifice, and of course, lots of FOOD! In thinking of this last formal opportunity to share with these students, a phrase came to me, “You’re not done yet!”
There is much more for us to do as we take steps to follow the leading of the Lord for our lives. The students need to finish online tests, a practicum of 100 hours at church, and (we pray) return to finish advanced training next year. For all of us, there is so much more to learn and do.
We are celebrating the goodness and faithfulness of God in leading us this far, but know He has so much more in store!
There is much more for us to do as we take steps to follow the leading of the Lord for our lives. The students need to finish online tests, a practicum of 100 hours at church, and (we pray) return to finish advanced training next year. For all of us, there is so much more to learn and do.
We are celebrating the goodness and faithfulness of God in leading us this far, but know He has so much more in store!